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Question : News de Thomson Reuters
Actualité et marchés

Pourriez vous SVP analyser cet article que je viens de retirer d'un service de news de Thomson Reuters ? Que peut on conclure "boursièrement parlant" de la comparaison qu'ils font avec 2001 ?

l'article en question:

In the S&P 500, there have been 65 negative EPS preannouncements issued by corporations for Q4 2011 compared to 19 positive EPS preannouncements. By dividing 65 by 19, one arrives at an N/P ratio of 3.4 for the S&P 500 Index. This 3.4 ratio is the largest showing since the 3.7 ratio in Q2 2001, in the midst of the 2001 recession, and above the long-term aggregate (since 1995) N/P ratio for the S&P 500 (2.3).


Antoine [+]